Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The start of something beautiful

Today is a monumental day. This is not only because I have created my first blog (which is rather exciting, I must say), but because today marks my first day of my training for a HALF- MARATHON!
Now, I realize this might not seem that exciting to some people, but for anyone who knows me they will be able to tell you my thoughts about running, and they are not pleasant thoughts I might add. I have been known to say on several occasions that the only 2 conditions I would ever run under are:

1. If a burglar is chasing me, or
2. If there is a piece of chocolate cake within close proximity waiting for me to devour.

Why am I doing this to myself you might ask? Well, that's a really great question, and one which I'm not even sure I can answer fully. But what I do know is that the words "Run a half-marathon" have been leaping off the front page of my bucket list for far too long, and it's about time I step up to the challenge. After all, I really do love a challenge =)

So it's official. On April 30th, I will be running in the Country Music Marathon in Nashville, TN.I started with running 2 miles today. After I finished and was panting heavily and craving a chocolate chip cookie, I wonder how well this is going to work out. The thought of running 13.1 miles is quite daunting to me. But It's all about taking things one day at a time, and that I believe, is something I can manage =)

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