How do words on a page even begin to describe memories that were made today? How can my human processing and faltering words depict the way my heart was touched by children and their love for me?
Last night while we were playing school, all the little girls were begging me to come each lunch with them at school the next day, (which happened to be my last day home for Spring Break). I told them I didn't want to make a promise I couldn't keep, but that I would try to come see them tomorrow before I left for school.
This morning I woke up excited to surprise all of the girls at school. I arrived a few min. early, so after signing in at the office and fastening my fashionable visitors badge to my cardigan sweater, I headed to Ava's classroom. It just so happened that she not has the same teacher I had when I was in 3rd grade, (Ms. Samide).
I could hear all the children bustling around the classroom, making their way into an orderly line for lunch. The door creaked open. and my old teacher, Ms. Samide, came out from around the corner. Startled to see me, she stepped back and said, "Natalie?" We exchanged quick hello's and hugs. and suddenly, a very beautiful little girl was jumping into my arms =)
Ava and I walked hand in hand to the cafeteria, and I smiled as she talked quickly and excitedly! As we walked around the corner, Annika saw me and ran across the cafeteria shouting, "Natalie!!!!! You came, you came, I'm so happy you came!"
In an instant, little girls lunch boxes and laughter were swarming all around me.
It was beautiful. I loved every moment <3
Girls and boys all around me were whispering, "It's her, It's her...", so I asked Annika how they all knew who I was. She proudly stated, "Natalie, everyone knows who you are. I talked about you today at show and tell. My teacher knows all about you!"
What can you even do but smile after hearing that!?!
After eating lunch we went out for recess. All the kids showed me around and clung to my arms. The whole time we played, they shouted proclamations of me being their new best friend =) I was so incredibly humbled and awestruck by the love and acceptance these children had for a complete stranger. I only knew Ava and Annika, but they introduced to to all their friends. Here is a picture with these sweet girls. It was pajama day at school:
After recess was over, I went and met Annika's teacher and said my goodbyes to the kids. Some of them were in tears begging me to stay. I was again, humbled by their love. I saw before me precious kids who just wanted to be loved.
As I walked past the teachers lounge I heard someone say, "Natalie Freeman?" I turned around, and standing there was my old elementary school principle, Mr. O, and Mrs. Sandoval. I hadn't seen either of them since I was in 4th grade! It was a wonderful reunion, and they were both ecstatic to hear that I am going to school to be a teacher!
It's days like today that I simply cannot wait to be a teacher.
God, I pray that you continue to help me touch the lives of children all over the world. and use me as a tool to pour out the love you have given me into the lives of others!
May YOUR glory be shown in and through me!
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