Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Night before leaving for Scotland:
Traveling is no new thing for me, yet somehow, each opportunity to travel the world brings forth its own newness, excitement, and anticipation. It’s hard to believe that I leave tomorrow to go to Scotland! Even as I’m writing this, I’m saying aloud to myself, “Natalie, you’re going to Scotland tomorrow!” (Which I’m sure looks quite ridiculous). Maybe it’s derangement and sheer exhaustion from a busy week with family and packing all day, but the reality hasn’t quite set in yet that I’m spending my summer overseas.
The night before a big adventure like this, my mind runs rampant with excitement and curiosity. Will I miss my flight? What kind of questionable food will they try to force me to eat on the plane? Do they really think that using my seat as a flotation device will work if our plane crashes in the Ocean? Am I again to repeat the ever so dreadful flight next to the strange man who takes up his seat and half of mine, has crusts around the corner of his lips from drooling, and smells like he just showered in vomit? What will the people be like? Will I be able to understand them through their thick accents? How will the school be different there than in America? And on and on it goes…questions never ending in my mind, and answers zooming around like a scrabble game.
So many questions, so much left to do, and so little time before I will find out some of these answers!
I’m going to Scotland. I, Natalie Freeman, am leaving tomorrow morning for Scotland. Whew, what a life! Scotland, Ireland, and Italy, here I come!

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