Reconciliation. The word is nearly as large as the vastness behind it's meaning.
The question is how? How do we reconcile with others when our hurt seems larger than an ocean, and heavier than the milstone someone has placed around our neck as they tossed us out to sea?
Rwanda. The place I call a beautiuful disaster.
The people who truly know what it means to reconcile. A country who has shown me how to forgive, love, and move forward to a brighter future.
Tonight at school, some of my friends from Rwanda conducted a pannel describing the history, pain, and injustice of the Genocide which happend in 1994. Through everything this country has been through, where more than 1,000,000 people were killed within 100 days (on average, 10,000 a day), the now say, "We are not Hutu, or Tutsi. We are unified together as the people of Rwanda."
Does that not just send chills through your body? To hear my friends speak who have seen their entire family slaughtered, say, "I have forgiven you, you are my brother."
Indescribably and stunningly beautiful.
I want a heart like that. The Holy Spirit has given me that heart, and I rejoice!
May we all consider how we can reconcile, love, and forgive those who do not deserve it.
For freely, freely you have recieved, freely, freely give!
P.S. Tonight as I listened to my friends from Rwanda speak, I got to sit next to Dr. Burks (the president of Harding University), and hold his hand during prayer =)
Here are some pictures from when I visited Rwanda!
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