Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's the simple things.

It's the simple things that made today beautiful.

*A sweet message from my older brother reading, "I made a snow angel in Canada and named it Natalie."

*My mom telling me she loves me, and knowing she means every word.

*Being fortunate enough to eat 3 meals today, one of which included chinese (my favorite)

*Getting 4 FREE books in an education class (Goodnight moon, Corduroy, Ask Mr. Brown, and Miss Tizzy).

*Having a jacket to keep me warm in this freezing weather.

*Making myself vunerable enough to cry in the middle of class just because I'm sad. And being ok with that.

*Receiving meaningful hugs from dear friends.

*Singing praises to God.

*Realizing this truth: God delights in me. In ME =)

*Cookie dough log with my roommate.



*Meditating on this scripture from a friend: Isaiah 25:1
O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For You have worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. 

*Knowing that though I have no idea what my future holds, I know exactly who is holding it in the palm of His hands; and it will be a beautiful future.

Today was a blessed day =)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you had a blessed day and can always put your trust in God when things get rough! The verse you put in this entry really encouraged me. By the way...what is a cookie dough log? haha! :)


Captivated By His Love....