Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's still so strange to me to think that Matt and I are no longer together....
He was not only the first man I have ever loved, but he's my best friend. It's the little things I miss about him. He was the first person I wanted to call after my first day training for the half-marathon, or the first person I wanted to call to tell him about this amazing thing I learned in Earth Science class yesterday about the days of the week being named after the planets, because I knew he would get excited about it (Sun=Sunday, Moon=Monday, Saturn=Saturday, etc..). I know that might sound lame, but they are my honest thoughts and feelings at this moment in time.

Having a broken heart must be one of the worst things someone can go through...but the peace that God has been filling my broken heart with this past week is one of the most powerful and beautiful things I have ever experienced before! Through the hurt and pain, I know I can trust in the Lord and His plans for my life. I just know that they will be SO much better than anything I could have ever imagined. It's so comforting to know I have a God who keeps my best interests in mind.

 I've been thinking a lot this past week about surrendering. What does that even look like, to give everything up and lay it before God's feet?This is a song I've listened to over and over. It's called "Something Heavenly" by Sanctus Real.Enjoy =)

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11
It's comforting to know that the God who created this holds my future in His palm
It's time for healing time to move on
It's time to fix what's been broken too long
Time to make right what has been wrong
It's time to find my way to where I belong
There's a wave that's crashing over me
And all I can do is surrender

Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see
but I'm giving in to something Heavenly

Time for a milestone
Time to begin again
Reevaluate who I really am
Am I doing everything to follow Your will
Or just climbing aimlessly over these hills
So show me what it is You want from me
I give everything I surrender...

Time to face up
Clean this old houseTime to breathe in and let everything out
That I've wanted to say for so many years
Time to release all my held back tears

Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but I believe
You're up to something bigger than me
Larger than life something Heavenly

Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but now I can see
This is something bigger than me
Larger than life something Heavenly
Something Heavenly


  1. You will look back and see how this was all part of the plan....blessings to you as you live to glorify God.

  2. Welcome to the blogging world friend. I am so sorry to hear about the break up. What's amazing is the two beautiful godly people whom God has amazing plans for you. No doubt the Lord is using this for His glory.

    Isaiah 45:2&3 always encourages me when I am going through a tough time. It is his goodness through the darkness. Look for the treasures friend, they are there.

    Answer me when I call O God of my righteousness. You have relieved me IN (not from) my distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer. Psalms 4:1

  3. I love your new blog, Natalie...Love the words to this song. God has good things waiting for you!


Captivated By His Love....