Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend Highlights

The weather today was amazing. So amazing in fact, that I pulled out one of my favorite spring skirts to wear =) I turned in all my paperwork for Scotland, so it's official, I'm pre-student teaching there this summer...EEKS, so excited! My friend Chris bought me lunch today which was awesome, especially because it was Chinese, which is one of my favorites! I ate it outside by the fountain with friends. Also extremely wonderful.

For dinner I went to Lauren and Abby's room with about 7 other girlfriends. I had to leave early to go to a jewelry show, where I proceeded to eat more junk food (I guess it's a good thing I ran a few miles today,hahaha). Afterwards, Allyssa and Meaghan talked to me all about Scotland. I'm SO excited!
Then I went back over to Abby and Laurens to watch a movie with the girls, but it turned into us eating cookies, talking, and laughing uncontrollably, all of which I love to do =)
Between eating a ridiculous amount of junk food and running around all day, I was more than ready for bed after I finished checking rooms at 12:30.

Woke up early this morning to hike Pinnacle Mt. with 12 of my friends. It was a BEAUTIFUL outside! I just love hiking, and it's even better with such great company!

After we got back I rushed over to our African party. Meaghan and Louisa were in town(they worked in the clinic and orphanage in Zambia for 3 years), so it was wonderful to see them, as well as everyone else from my old Zambia team!
After that party, I headed to one of my African friends baby shower. It was SO much fun! I just love having friends from other cultures!
After the baby shower I rushed back to go out to dinner with my dear friend Christin. We went to McAllisters, so I of course had to get their ridiculously addicting sweet tea(I cut myself off after 2 glasses).

My legs were ridiculously sore when I woke up this morning. Between hiking and running, my body is completely rejecting me. But I forced myself to run, and I made my 3 mile mark..YIPPEE!
Spent all afternoon at underground reading, and came back to make a stir fry dinner before my night class.
I absolutely LOVE my Scotland night class. Mr. and Mrs. Wood are just phenomenal. I love them already!
Now I'm working at front desk, and should definitely be studying for my Earth Science test tomorrow morning, but instead I'm procrastinating by making a weekend highlights blog post ridiculously long and detailed so that I can avoid memorizing winter constellations....

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