Monday, January 31, 2011

Early Bird Gets The Worm

This morning came all too early. At 4:30 to be exact. I tried to set my alarm as a fun ring tone before I went to bed last night in hopes that it would help ease the pain of waking up so dreadfully early, but I found out that 4:40, regardless of whether or not you have an upbeat ring tone, is still just early.
I absolutely loathe door duty. It's one of the most, no, it is in fact the most awful part of being an RA.
I would really like to hear the logic behind having sleep deprived college students responsible for opening doors in the middle of the night. How they expect me to go to bed at 12:30 after checking rooms, and wake up happily 4 hours later in beyond my comprehension.

Somehow I tried to manage a measly 4 hours of sleep, and be able to function clearly for my Earth Science test this morning.
Speaking of the test, it was a total fail. I would blame it on the lack of sleep, but it probably also has something to do with the fact that science just isn't my cup of tea.
It's even less appealing after only sleeping 4 hours.

A phone call to my mom made things a lot better.
God, thank you for my mom and her understanding that Science completely frustrates me.

Now I'm attempting to stay awake, finish reading through 89 pages of homework until room check, and complete the vicious lack of sleep cycle all over again ::sigh::

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