Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Lords Love Song

I don't know what it is about today, but I found myself really missing Matt.
Instead of getting consumed in my own self pity and sadness, I decided to turn to the Lord who has always loved me, despite what a mess I am.

My lover. My everything. Will you write me a love song today?
I want you to romance me.
I want you to fill my empty heart with a deep and rich love for you.
Give me desire to long for you.
I want to know you imtimately...

Open the eyes of my heart Lord.
I want to see you.
Please help me to set aside other distractions in my life.
Help me to never love anyone or anything more than you.
No one can write my love story better than you can.
For you are love.

God is love.
Wow. I wish I could fully grasp just what that means.
You are the love of my life.

Thank you for your love song to me Lord.
I am delighted when you romance me......

1 comment:

Captivated By His Love....